Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Joe Wong 2

Because Joe had kept joking for several years, he had a lot of storage. Meanwhile, all of his jokes had been told to his wife. He felt limited to develop his jokes further. Therefore, he went to a joke training class and over there he got knowing the most famous talk show by then in US, stand-upcom edy. He also knew that there was never a Chinese performing a talk show in stand-upcom edy so he got sparked: why I cannot have a try? He began to create jokes and told them to his wife. This lasted for several years and finally he though he was ready for some stage performance. He went to see a club manager but got the answer that he had to be named by certain audience so that he could get a chance to perform. How can you get some audience before you actually perform on the stage? So he had to try to persuade pedestrian on the street to give him a chance but after several hours' trial, he failed. He dare not go home, ashamed of himself. His wife did not see her husband home for such a long time so she went to look for him. Finally she got him in the street, shivering with cold. She was so sorry and began to persuade people listen to his husband. Like that, Joe got more and more opportunities to perform and became more and more famous. At the very end, he gave talk shows to vice president and many journalists in DC, starting with a joke on Biden: I read about your biography but I think the book is better than the real people. He finally succeeded in making all of them laugh and received respect. 

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