Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finishing conference.

On the conference, I was so glad to find several people working on RNA binding protein as well and they are roughly in the same stage as me - identified phenotypes, got phenotypes rescued and looking for molecular interaction with other factors. A surprising point is, all of them are Asians. Why? Americans do not like RNA binding proteins? Just a joke. It seems like that everyone here is conducting screens - are you all at the beginning of your projects?

I was hurt by an event but of course that was not anyone's fault. A lady from U of Tokoyo was seeking professor jobs. The economic situation is not good neither in Japan so especially hard for drosophila people (easier for medicine related things). All of people around her suggested that "we might have opening jobs so please check it out with our departments" and of course, I did it too (we kept recruiting one people per year, isn't it?). However, she is interested in the suggestion of a guy from NYU, which is better than OU. Well, it is understandable that everyone wants to go to better and developed places. But since she is not that young any more, I believe she spent a lot of years on job hunting. Is it possible that she was aiming too high so that too many people were competing for the jobs she was applying for? And, OU is not bad, right? People here are nicer than people from 'cities'. We were like a family.

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