Saturday, October 22, 2011

I love mom (2)

What did I write in the previous post.... I have complained so much to mom how hard it is to finish this PhD program. We are top students in China so we were able to apply for an opportunity to study abroad. Why I feel I am so weak here? Everyone around me has a higher IQ? It is impossible, right? Mom told me I need to be confident, but before that, I need to be humble. If we look at others with nose, nobody would be happy to communicate with us or talk with us. No matter you are good or bad, be humble first and then be confident. I did spend a lot of spare time on games, parties and entertainment.

I am improving. I restart working in weekends today. I did immunostaing in lab this morning and continued afternoon. I need to catch up with my girlfriend. She is a crazy science girl. Our talk was, is and I believe will be full of science. She did published several posters and hopefully one paper as first author as an undergrad student. She is a person with faith in science. Compared to her, I am a fake scientist. Before I came US, I thought I can do science freely of my interest but now I realize that it is not true. I spend a lot of time on other issues such as daily life, teaching and classes. Of course all of them are helpful, but when can I have a real free science? Not until as a faculty?

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